The Treasure Map, Part 2

MJ Santos
2 min readOct 31, 2022

That word is not spelled like you think it is.

Female pirate with a sword
By Midjourney and MJ Santos

My eyes crossed trying to focus on the point of the sword hovering above my face. Then I looked up at a woman dressed as a swashbuckler. This was not as shocking as it sounds since it was Halloween.

The tide washed over her boots and receded. She stood stock still.

“Arr, matey, there’s no need for the sword,” I joked. But the blade jabbed closer when I started to get up.

The setting sun was behind her and I couldn’t quite make out her face. “Seriously, do we know each other?” I thought maybe someone was pranking me.

Her reply was the barest whisper almost lost in the sound of the waves. “Give me the map.”

“All I have is a digital copy on my phone. Do you want to see it?”

The figure nodded.

“Okay, but you need to let me up.”

The blade withdrew and I scrambled to my feet. When I started to back away, the sword pointed at my chest.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, grateful that it was waterproof. I turned the screen to show her the scanned copy I’d found at the Internet Archive.

“I can send it to you. Do you have email or Whatsapp or something?”

She shook her head and lowered the sword.

“People have been trying to find the treasure for centuries. Old Bloody Joe did a great job of hiding it.”

“It’s Jo with no E,” she whispered and faded away.

Part 1 is here. The rest of my treasure trove is in a locked box here.



MJ Santos

Trying to improve or at least distract the world one story at a time. 🏳️‍🌈Autistic immigrant in 🇵🇹