InArtfullyAutisticbyMJ SantosAutists: Prepare YourselvesWe have rough times ahead.May 6, 2023May 6, 2023
MJ SantosWhat Kills Your Energy The Fastest?I’ve been under sensory assault all week and now I don’t want to do anything at all. Klaxon blaring: burnout imminent. Self-care urgently…Nov 11, 2022Nov 11, 2022
InArtfullyAutisticbyMJ SantosCalling All Autistic TranslatorsBy virtue of your neurodivergence, you already speak at least two languages to make yourself understood. Now we need your translating…Nov 3, 20222Nov 3, 20222
MJ SantosHow I Keep From Killing MyselfWhen I feel suicidal, I remind myself of three things:Aug 29, 2020Aug 29, 2020
InArtfullyAutisticbyMJ SantosDo Your Thing, Then Share ItThe experiences you describe could contain the solution someone is seeking.May 4, 20213May 4, 20213
InArtfullyAutisticbyMJ SantosWhen You Can’t Fire the CEO (Your Brain)You have to work with what you’ve gotMay 17, 2022May 17, 2022
InArtfullyAutisticbyMJ SantosI’m Not Enthusiastic About Being SociableAnd it’s ruining my relationshipSep 1, 20223Sep 1, 20223
InArtfullyAutisticbyMJ SantosWhat I Do When My Brain is TiredHow this autistic person recovers mental energy during the dayJul 1, 20222Jul 1, 20222
InArtfullyAutisticbyMJ SantosChildhood as an Undiagnosed AutisticLooking back on signs of autismJun 9, 202213Jun 9, 202213
InArtfullyAutisticbyMJ SantosBecause of Alexithymia, Other People are My Measuring StickShould I be concerned if my mail carrier is worried about me?Apr 23, 20225Apr 23, 20225
InArtfullyAutisticbyMJ SantosSuper-weakness vs. SuperpowersThe two sides of sensory hypersensitivityNov 22, 20201Nov 22, 20201
InArtfullyAutisticbyMJ SantosAutistic Me and the Monstrous Noise Next DoorIt’s too loud for too long and I’m going to meltdown soon from sensory overload.Nov 3, 2020Nov 3, 2020
InArtfullyAutisticbyMJ SantosMy Fatigue Isn’t RealAlexithymia confuses me and hides the deeper issue.Oct 9, 20202Oct 9, 20202
MJ SantosThe Worst Part About Being AutisticThe most challenging aspect of being neurodiverse is explaining it to others who are not.Sep 9, 2020Sep 9, 2020
MJ SantosWhat It’s Like to Move Overseas (When You Don’t Know You Have Asperger’s)It can make a person suicidal.Sep 2, 2020Sep 2, 2020
MJ SantosHow Nervous Habits Revealed I am AutisticI didn’t know I was stimming for stress relief, but the explanation changed my life forever.Aug 31, 2020Aug 31, 2020