Ace of Wands: The Source (Tarot Tales 1 — #54 of the 100 Story Challenge)
Finding the will and the way
I lit a match and flinched in the bright flare. It illuminated only a small area of the cave chamber. Speleothem cast dancing shadows so I held my breath to confirm what I hoped. There was a draft coming from behind me. I thought I had imagined it before.
I turned around and lifted the match. Before it burned my fingers, I saw a large opening in the floor. If I had taken two steps more, I would have fallen in it. This was the source of the air current. It smelled green and wet, but pleasant, like a freshly watered garden in sunshine.
I lit the second to last match and peered over the edge. It wasn’t a straight drop but a sloping tunnel. Even with an injured leg I thought I could navigate it. I memorized as much as I could before the light burned out. Then I tucked away the matchbox and tightened the bandage.
I’m back, I hope. SAD + autistic burnout + Long COVID (+ reactivated EBV?) kicked my bum this winter. I had to work or else so there wasn’t any energy left over for fun writing.
After all these weeks of only survival, I needed something to stimulate ideas. For some unknown reason, I decided on tarot cards. I’d pull one each day and write a short story. I don’t believe in divination but rather in contemplation. We’ll see how it goes, anyway.
Thank you for sticking with me.