A Barbaric Mealtime

MJ Santos
1 min readNov 26, 2022

#49 of the 100 Story Challenge

AI generated image of giant ribs roasting on a spit over a campfire with a muscled barbarian warrior standing nearby.
Image by NightCafe

Hork the barbarian was not one for domestic duties. He was a fierce warrior, and spent most of his time honing his fighting skills. But one day, he watched as a falcon dropped its prey into a wildfire. The carcass cooked quickly, and Hork found himself fascinated by the process. From then on, he began to experiment with cooking his own food. He started with simple meats, but soon progressed to more complicated dishes.

The first dish he cooked was a roast beast, which he served with boiled roots. He then made a lamb shank, which he served with mashed potatoes and peas. His final dish was a chicken curry, which he served with pilau rice and naan bread.

After these impressive feats, Hork invited his enemies to have a meal with him. Then he cooked them.

The result was a barbaric mealtime that left everyone else feeling sick to their stomachs.

It wasn’t me — well, mostly. I had another amusing experiment with AI text and image generators. (I used WordHero and NightCafe.)

I still like my original stories better.



MJ Santos

Trying to improve or at least distract the world one story at a time. 🏳️‍🌈Autistic immigrant in 🇵🇹